Wildly Satisfied The Turned On Feminine Entrepreneur

A Year of Devotion to My Turn On Vision™

June 03, 20249 min read

The 1-year commitment I have to upgrade my identity and lifestyle, intuitive business and body of work, relationships and connections, environment and culture, and the wealth of my wellness.

Changing my environment came first.

I was sitting on a patio with my friends after a photoshoot for Sanara skincare, twinkle lights draped over the sectional we were sitting on, the warmth of a spring breeze on my skin. We were in a modern, luxury home complete with the floor to ceiling windows and white countertops, and I was surrounded by successful, genuine women as we celebrated the businesses and lives we were leading. 

The subtle presence settled in.

“I want my life to be like this,” I thought.

Throughout my life I’ve had small moments of magic inside the moment I was living - an almost indescribable… feeling. 

It’s as if everything around me snaps into place, the people around me move in slow motion, and there’s a simplicity in the air. 

Like I’m living in a scene from a movie.

I’ve had it before and when I was younger I ignored it, but as I stepped more into my intuitive self, I noticed how it happens in moments I’m supposed to pay attention to – moments where the Universe is telling me, “Yes, more of this is waiting for you… if you’re brave enough to decide.”

At that moment, I wanted luxury.

I wanted twinklelight dinners with my friends.

I wanted to live in a space that made me feel wealthy, wild and sexy.

And I was used to living safely inside the class level I was raised in – suburban or simple country homes, with just enough to get by and a slight case of clutter.

Don’t get me wrong, I love how I grew up. 

I was lucky to grow up in a lower to middle class family in the countryside, just outside of Marysville, Michigan. My parents gave me beautiful homes I was proud to call mine - this is not a disparagement of my upbringing of the people who raised me. There’s nothing wrong with the homes I lived in (and people currently live in). 

But I wanted more.

I was evolving.

And it took me until that moment to realize I’d held myself back by accepting what I was raised in and not allowing myself to expand beyond it when it came to my environment.

When I moved to Austin, I took a room at a suburban home with a wonderful friend of mine, and my time in that house served me well – setting me up in Austin for the next phase of my life. I thought I would stay there longer because honestly there was nothing wrong with the place or my wonderful roommates.

There was nothing wrong so why did I want a change? 

I realized then: There doesn’t have to be anything wrong to change.

I wanted something different.

It was that simple. 

When the desire is strong enough, the feminine moves.

It’s a concept that came through the more I observed and worked with feminine energy entrepreneurs, and the more I embodied my innate feminine energy. 

I noticed how adding more pain didn’t make women want to change.

We’re built to withstand pain in so many ways - from childbirth and our menstrual cycles to so many other things - so adding more pain is pointless. Adding more pain doesn’t make us want to change or buy - it makes us shut down… or pisses us off. 

(Ahem, generational rage, anyone?)

Yet, we’re taught pain-based (or problem-aware) approaches to our business (which is how the masculine - and bro-style - operates), as if it’s going to be sustainable or satisfying for us as feminine entrepreneurs. That’s not the feminine way - of marketing, running businesses or living our lives, and we need to start recognizing that so we don’t shame ourselves into silence or settling.

It’s part of what I guide my clients through in my programs and feminine business blueprint because it has such a profound effect on how I live my life and run my business.

Pain does not make the feminine move, desire does.

In that moment, sitting on that modern home patio home, next to my good friend Jewels, I knew we were supposed to live together. We both wanted the same level of luxury, to elevate our existence and develop the next stage of our lives.

A life of grounded luxury.

That was what was calling me up next.

The desire was strong enough - and my feminine moved.

It was time to close the book, not just the chapter.

As my first year in Austin, TX was coming to a close, I realized it was also the end of a book I’d been writing for the first 30 years of my life.

I love all the quotes around how you’re the author of your life, choose the next chapter, or my favorite, “It’s your story, honey. Hit ‘em with a plot twist whenever you want.” 

Life is a series of chapters we can choose to write or let it be written for us.

But I didn’t want another chapter.

I wanted a whole new book.

And I was going to start it off inside the action, as any great writer knows to do, which is why I decided to devote the next year to the standard I’m setting for the next book of my life.

I’m not going to promise to post everyday – that’s not me. I am inconsistent as fuck and I have no desire to change that, only work with it.

I’m setting an intentional container - as I push my edge and soften into my sensuality in 2024 - to record my journey and showcase how I’m embodying my next level of grounded luxury, as I embrace this level of my Turn On Vision™.

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Recording videos this year to showcase my progress and be seen. My intention is to create an opening container and closing container vlog at the beginning and end of the year, with bigger check in vlogs every 120 days and shorter vlogs each week. I’ve wanted to have a YouTube channel for a long time, but never committed to it, so here we go - even if it’s messy, short or simple videos, I’m doing it. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how this book unfolds.

  • Writing my Seasons of a Feminine Entrepreneur column to publish every Sunday. You’re reading the column right now so you can check back here or subscribe to my email list to get notified when the column gets published. This column is my devotional writing practice to share my thoughts, what I see and what I’m experiencing as a feminine energy entrepreneur, and it’ll also serve as an advice column if the questions or comments you have for it correspond with the season I’m in. (Sort of like “Ask Phoebe” in Charmed with a personal twist.) If it is something you’re enjoying, please share it with me on IG and tag @WildlySatisfied and @WildlyIntuitive.

  • Showing a mix of business and lifestyle – because Wildly Satisfied is a way of life, not just a business mentorship hub. I changed so much of my life because I focused on the 5 areas of Wildly Satisfied - self, environment, work, wellness and relationships - and my business grew because my lifestyle changed in those areas. My way of life changed the model of my business so it was more intuitive and lucrative, the shape of my body of work changed from consulting on marketing and messaging to shifting more into feminine embodiment, integrity-based leadership, and sustainable business, the relationships I have and even where I live in the world allowed me to be seen in my genius (which is pivotal for my feminine but also as a 4/6 splenic projector in Human Design), not to mention how I live my life, like my pleasurable processes, means I’ve been invited into experiences I never thought I’d have - from a CEO photoshoot to conscious kink experiences, to events where I’m surrounded by the wealthy entrepreneurs of my age. 

  • Playing completely in my feminine energy core and human design as a 4/6 splenic projector  – because last time I did this, my life exploded in the best way. 

Each of these will serve as a devotional practice for me, yes, but also my connection with you – so you can finally see a different way of operating for the feminine and try it out for yourself. 

Committing to a year where I’m seen in this way is definitely pushing my edge – and if I’m honest, it’s what I’ve been avoiding because being seen is simultaneously one of my greatest desires and my biggest fears.

But I enjoy a challenge.

And exploring the concept of “grounded luxury” means I get to elevate my space, experiences and clients, instead of accepting what I fell into when I started my business. It’ll allow me to push my edge in how well I take care of myself, who I am in my next level, and support the Turn On Vision™ I set with my team behind the scenes.

Because I have big plans for Wildly Satisfied – for me, for my team, for you, for the female entrepreneurs of the world.

And I’m tired of playing small.

As I embark on this year-long journey of devotion to my Turn On Vision™, I'm reminded of the power of desire and intention in shaping our lives. 

It's not just about turning the page to a new chapter; it's about closing the book and starting afresh with purpose and intention. 

I did something similar to this during my 13-month Wildly Satisfied journey and I feel as though this is another version of that. 

Through my commitment to upgrading my identity, lifestyle, business, and relationships, I'm embracing the next level of grounded luxury and allowing myself to be seen in all my messy, imperfect glory.

I invite you to join me on this journey, as I share my experiences through YouTube vlogs and weekly columns. 

Let's rewrite the narrative of our lives together, one intentional step at a time.

Sign up for our mailing list and get notified every Sunday when a new column is published, plus other opportunities to build a wildly satisfying business and life.


Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent.

She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

Taylor Davis

Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent. She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

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