Every book about business is written by a man. - Wildly Satisfied

Every book about business is written by a man.

July 14, 202410 min read

Special Announcement at the end!

A Note Before You Read: We each have masculine and feminine energy inside each of us, but I want to be clear – the best way I describe it is 80/20.

If you’ve been in my world, I like to refer to “feminine-energy” business owners of individuals as most often those who have a feminine core – the 80% – with their masculine being the remaining 20%, whereas masculine cored individuals are the 80% with 20% being their feminine energy.

We use women, men, individuals, etc interchangeably but your gender doesn’t really matter most of the time.

Every book about business is written by a man.

I sat cross legged on the scratchy carpet floor of Half Price books in Austin, TX, staring at the Business section and having what I can only consider an out of body experience.

I felt like I was in one of those episodes of a TV show the protagonist would one day have as their pivotal moment and surreal feeling on my body reminded me of something I’ve always known.

Models made for women were few and far between.

Each book I picked up?

Written by a man.

Then another.

ANNNDD another one.

In a section with other 100 books, I couldn’t find a single one about business — and sure as hell one that didn’t read like a competitive playbook or the most boring textbook of a 90s business salesman with a combover and one of those stingy suits.

That day I went in to find a book on one of my long-standing fascinations, Human Design, which I never found by the way – yet I found myself pulled to the business section, traversing shelves of books that I could only describe as giving me the “ick” factor.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve read a TON of well-written books by beautiful masculine authors.

I LOVE Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan books like “Personality Isn’t Permanent”, “Who Not How”, and “10x is Easier Than 2x”.

My personal development journey started with guidance from the mind of Gay Hendricks “The Big Leap,” Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr “The Power of Full Engagement,” and many others.

While those are personal development and mindset, there are a host of business books written by beautiful, helpful men…

…yet I found myself reading most of those books and not seeing myself in the words.

The linear picture of strategic goal setting, hustling and hard work, and moving throughout your life like you’re a machine with a few lines of code and a set of commands that rewire the operating system we call ourselves left me feeling… empty.

The business models we have are predominantly based on the male brain, masculine drive, and linear end-result-only thinking.

While all of that’s important, there’s a definite gap on the bookstore shelves.

A lot of advice in those books I mentioned earlier is applicable to everyone – to a point. I devoured books like that for years.

But I wanted heart.

Where they talked about goals, I wanted to hear about vision.

The words felt like a manual, but I wanted celebration and inspiration.

Teaching around “niching-down” made me want to cringe every time someone regurgitated it online, and I craved an expansive view of business rather than box.

(I escaped a cubicle. I didn’t want to be shoved back into one and it be called my brand – which is why I started walking my clients through an entirely feminine way of building a brand that didn’t require a niche.)

It was rare when I found a feminine-based way of operating, even in the online world, and apparently the bookstore was the latest way the Universe was showing me how we needed more ways to show the world our way of working, running business, and being integrity-based leaders – while also being sexy, satisfied, and successful.

The feminine is left out of business far too often – but that’s changing.

Even the graphics we choose have a bias to them – such a minor example, but this graphic is prime to how it shows up. The business side of things is a graphic of a man and the manifestation or more esoteric creative branding is women.


Image from mindvalley.com

I won’t go into why we don’t have many feminine business models. 

We all know why.

Luckily, we live in a time where opportunity is rampant, technology has given us access to wealth unlike we’ve ever seen, and we’re smashing glass ceilings.

Those who scream “you can’t” are being met with a smoldering, “Watch me.” 

The Age of the Feminine has been taking the online entrepreneurship world by the balls and replacing it with something far stronger – the pussy.

We’re a storm, washing away old ways of “success” that put us in positions where we sacrificed our sanity for a paycheck, built profitable businesses on the broken backs of our employees, and look at people like a number rather than the lifeblood of the world.

This is a beautiful age where the feminine model of success means more freedom, sustainability, and satisfaction – with wealth in mind, not just money in our bank accounts. 

More women have tasted the freedom of running your own business, but unfortunately we didn’t have business models to refer to (something I’m hoping to change with Wildly Satisfied) – and because we didn’t have something that worked for us, we’ve all been thrust into the bro-dude version of business where hustle hurls you into years of burnout, feeling like you sold your soul for the sale of your latest offer, or the the conscious masculine version that still puts over-structuring and linear goals at the forefront.

You know what it sounds like…

  • “It doesn’t feel good in my body.”

  • “I feel like I’m always doing something wrong.”

  • "I didn’t want to use a script on a call with someone to 'close them.’”

  • “All they wanted to do was talk about numbers.”

  • “I kept feeling like I needed to do more.”

  • “They wanted me to sell high ticket all the time.”

For me, it was always around selling.

I didn’t want to use a script on a call with someone to “close them” or push myself on social media like I was a virtual door-to-door salesman.

I studied all the ways of copywriting, marketing, sales, social media, and running a business, but it felt more like I was stuck in a classroom at school being instructed by Ms. Trunchbull than I was building something that would be my long-lasting body of work.

I worked with so many entrepreneurs:

  • Solopreneurs who were just starting out, coming off years of working in corporate with starry-eyed idealism and a soul-crushing fear it wouldn’t work out.

  • Artists who wanted to take their craft online but weren’t sure how to turn a profit and honestly hated running a business – they just wanted to do what they love and make money from it.

  • CEOs that had it all together on the front end but their business was an unfiltered mess of madness, old ways of operating, and sheer unsustainable practices.

  • Women who were so over structured they forgot they started their business have more freedom and ended up in the same health crisis or perpetuating pattern they wanted to escape from.

  • Men who once dominated strategy and sales, yet they couldn’t for the life of them figure out why their numbers started to drop – often forgetting the human at the heart of the business they were building.

  • Couples who didn’t know how to master their work relationship with their personal one, often forgetting to honor each other’s masculine and feminine unique gifts – often falling into the “I know better” role.

  • All types of entrepreneurs who could barely sell their offer, some who were making bank (and killing their team at the same time), and some who – after becoming extremely successful – were wondering if it was all worth it.

…and it was very rare when I found someone honoring the feminine.

I honestly can’t remember the first person online who made me say, “That’s a feminine business owner!”

Was it Julia Wells?

Melanie Ann Layer in Alpha Femme?

Maybe Victoria Washington in House of WE or Shoshanna Raven with her Living Brave movement?

No, those were later.

Maybe Melissa Griffin back at the beginning of the course-creation days.

No, that’s not right either.

I think at one point I noticed the bro-dude business-minded ways start to fall away and a softer version found its way forward.

Love or hate the people I listed, it doesn’t matter.

There are so many examples now coming out for feminine leaders I’m happy to talk about (and even hear from you if you want to share).

Over the last few years there has been a beauty in seeing a different way to show up online.

Hard selling turned into soft invitations.

Endless leads turned into genuine connections.

Marketing became less about the offer and more about who was selling it and how they were speaking to you.

Shame and pain-based selling took a dive – while desire and pleasure took the lead.

Now we need more books on the shelves to showcase this shift.

I’m lucky to exist in this time where the feminine is finally finding its way, reclaiming its power and instead of demanding to be seen or screaming from the rooftops, we’re simply lighting fire to the structures that kept us small and setting the standard, calling up the masculine inside ourselves… and the masculine in the world.

As I always say…

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It’s from the perspective of the feminine – freedom – in tandem with the masculine – safety – we build truly sustainable, satisfying and successful businesses (and lives).

That’s why I’m on a mission to make Wildly Satisfied be the go-to resource for the feminine to find their way… because I wish I had that growing up and definitely when I started my business.

I wished I had a place to go where I could read about women making moves in the world, from big picture visions down to the granular day-to-day.

More than anything, I wanted ONE PLACE online where I could find a range of feminine entrepreneurs then dive deeper into their work on their respective platforms.

No place like that existed for me.

We were all running solo on our own sites and social media, or trying to be seen on bigger sites that sometimes seemed impossible to get one.

Finally, I'm doing that.

Wildly Satisfied is on its way to becoming a media platform, where you can have an all-in-one experience: get consulting, education, embodiment, and done-for-you opportunities from a range of feminine energy leaders.

On the media side, we’re bringing together women who want to have important conversations around feminine business and satisfying lifestyles via written, audio and video experiences.

On the consulting and mentorship side, we’re offering workshops, collaborations, and partnerships with powerful entrepreneurs to give you all the resources you need to live a wildly satisfying life – from information to execution to full embodiment and celebration.

And on the done-for-you side, we’re offering set up services like systems and websites so you have everything you need to be seen, sustainable and moving forward in your business as the next badass version of you.

No more stopping.

No more holding yourself back.

Let’s. Fucking. Go.

Make sure you’re on the email and text list to get the latest info!

We’re launching first week of August.

I’m going much deeper into how to navigate running a feminine-energy business inside my Feminine Business Blueprint, where you get to see all my updated research, experience and insights into how a feminine business works in contrast to masculine or bro-dude models.

I invite you to dive deeper there!

And if you have any questions, reflections or want to send some love, share it on Instagram and tag or DM me @WildlySatisfied, comment below or email me directly at [email protected]. (I read every email.)

Obsessed with Your Satisfaction & Success,

Taylor Davis

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Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent.

She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

Taylor Davis

Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent. She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

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