Wildly Satisfied - Microdoses of Nourishment May Be a Key to Sustainable Movement for the Feminine

Microdoses of Nourishment May Be a Key to Sustainable Movement for the Feminine

June 30, 202411 min read

When hustle is a ‘hell no’ and you still have the drive to get shit done, how do you honor the ebbs and flows of your energy while running a business?

As I navigate one of the most beautifully intense seasons of my life, I’m simultaneously recognizing how much nourishment is pivotal for my success.

I know. I know.

Self-care is a buzzword dominating social media and the Internet for some years now and I’ve always encouraged self-care in my clients, friends and family, but simply taking a bath or resting in the ways that I’ve been shown doesn’t always work – even if they worked that one time.

The models of what self-care can look like among different people are few and far between how much we talk about it.

There are lists — get a pedicure, take a bath, connect with nature, meditate — and more often than not those lists are pretty much the same between content creators.

Over the years I have researched self-care, and other ways of not only recovering from burnout, but having good mental, emotional, and physical health. Often most people say the same thing.

But there was always something missing as I consumed this content around self-care.

Those things were beautiful and had their place, but there was a feeling I was missing.

One I didn’t recognize until this week.

My roommate and I had a few chaotic weeks as we’ve moved into this intentional living experiment we have for the upcoming year and one thing I’ve noticed is the difference between self-care that checks the box and self-care that truly nourishes the mind, body and soul.

“I recognized the difference between ‘oh this is available’ and ‘wow this truly made me feel good’ in my experiences this week,” she said as she diced the ingredients for the cucumber salad.

Minutes prior, she was in the middle of a storm of chaos. You know the kind – overwhelmed, anxious, annoyed at every little thing, and feeling like nothing can go right.

Often it’s just a drop in the day, but it can feel like a tsunami.

When you look in the fridge and say there’s no food even though it’s full but really you’re wanting something to just be there, beautifully cooked for you — when really you’re craving a solution that makes you feel better because the day was shit.

You spent the day cramming in every little task you could and navigating a million messages in Slack, email or text.

That one client asked for just a little too much, pushing a boundary they didn’t even know existed.

You didn’t even get up from your desk and still you feel like you got nothing done.

The reality is most likely you didn’t like the work you were doing — but you convinced yourself it had to be done or you do love it when really you’d rather be doing something else and can’t admit it — and you push through your body telling you to stop.

Because it had to get done.

Our soul knows different and we spend more energy on convincing ourselves that we must do it all then admitting we’re not meant to do it all, we need help, and hiring or asking for it.

On top of that, our self-care is extremely lacking throughout the day — hell, we don’t even want to think about self-care because it’s another thing on the to-do list.

And as someone who loves lists, I could never understand why it felt like that for me

All those things I listed for self-care — dancing, a bath, listening to music, reading a book — didn’t feel right or fill me with joy the way they usually did.

A list of self-care items is not nourishment.

Nourishment is the defining difference between whether or not self-care is working.

Over the last week, I found it doesn’t matter how much space, time or energy you have, nor does it matter if you love the things you’ve scheduled into your life.

All that matters is how nourishing the relationships, environment, work, or wellness practices you have are.

Well, my friend and I were cooking dinner, having that conversation about chaos, energy, and nourishment rather than what’s just simply available, a rainstorm hit our Austin, Texas home.

In the middle of the day, during the June heat, a sunny rainstorm floated in.

“I want to sit outside before it passes,” I said, noting the feeling in my body was driving my action.

So before we finished cleaning up, we set everything aside and sat underneath our pergola, listening to the rain hit the roof.

Eyes closed.

Sun in our face.

Listening to the rain.

And suddenly, we felt grounded.


It was less than 10 minutes, but the sound of the rain, the feel of the wind on our face, and the sun in our eyes as we sat completely immersed in our own bodies and the experience — it felt like magic.

This morning, when I woke up, I recognized the impact of that single moment and it gave me clarity to what nourishment truly is.

Even in the midst of chaos, a single moment of nourishment can change everything.

Nourishment differences based on our season, cycle and needs.

Have you ever…

…eaten something the experts told you was “good for you” and it made you want to throw up?

…crawled off the floor after a HITT workout, while praying to whatever God you believe in to just make it easier next time?

…convinced yourself waking up at 5 am was what you needed to get ahead – yet somehow you feel like a demon rising from hell every morning as you fall out of bed?

Not really that nourishing is it?

(Side Note: I’m convinced all this advice above is made by a certain type of Generator in Human Design, but we won’t get into that right now.)

Knowing your body, mind and soul is more important than any person’s advice, despite what we’ve been told by the ever encompassing perspective of the masses on what’s truly good for us.

We’re all different – and our intuitive style will be what defines our success, as I often guide my clients on in my programs.

Discernment is recognizing what our body, mind, and soul need at any given moment and honoring that truth without judgment. It’s the ability to listen to our inner guidance and trust it, even when it goes against the grain of popular opinion or expert advice.

In this column, "Seasons of a Feminine Entrepreneur," even the name itself implies the shift of nourishment based on the season we’re in. Each season brings different needs, desires, and energy levels.

Focus on figuring out what works for you in this season.

Your needs may shift based on the season you’re in, the season the world is in, and what part of your cycle you’re in.

For instance, I've been using my Oura ring to really focus on my stress levels.

As I'm shifting into a new identity, I know this version of me will require a softer approach with rest and action working in tandem for me to feel sexy, satisfied, and successful — especially with sustainability in mind. This personal data helps me adjust my activities and self-care practices to ensure they are truly nourishing.

By tracking my stress levels, sleep, activity, and recovery, I can make informed decisions about when to push forward and when to take a step back, aligning my business activities with my natural rhythms.

My nourishment style changes, but I’ve been playing with a few different things.

Taking Breaks Throughout the Day: I've been experimenting with all sorts of breaks to see what actually helps me de-stress, stay productive, and find some peace.

Sometimes, I dance around for a bit, do a quick visualization, meditate, or tidy up my space.

Other times, I might dive into a good book, sit in a stream and let the water wash over me for an hour or two, jot down some thoughts, or have a coffee chat with a friend. It’s amazing how much these little actions can recharge me and keep me going.

Adjusting My Environment: I've always known your environment is fundamental for shifting you into different states, identities and periods of your life, which is why I’ve embraced being intentional with my environment in the past - setting up different spots for different intentions and energy I want to embody.

When I need to buckle down and get serious work done, I’ll either cowork with a friend at one of my go-to coffee shops around Austin, or I’ll do a solo trip where I’m only able to work at a cave-like coffee shop – not bringing my work home with me.

But when I'm craving some creative energy, I head over to Mozarts or a similar set up because I LOVE water. It's all about creating an environment that feels good and keeps me nourished while I work.

Ritualizing Everyday Moments: Turning everyday moments into little rituals has made a big difference for me. My morning coffee isn’t just a drink; it’s a sacred start to my day and hell will befall anyone who interrupts it.

I love playing instrumental acoustic indie/folk music in the background while I cook, move around my home, or take care of my plants – and just these small touches make the atmosphere more enjoyable and nourishing.

It’s wild how these intentional moments can shift my whole day, decreasing my stress levels and for the first time ever, really allowing me to feel true flowing gratitude in my body.

Pre-Planned Non-Negotiables: Setting non-negotiables has been huge for me for years and as I expand into my next level, they’ve shifted, their framework becoming more cemented – like having my time in the morning alone and ensuring I have support for my energy and body.

I book my body/energy work— otherwise known as Bliss Body: the-best-fucking massages of my life — months in advance so I don’t have any decision fatigue or talk myself out of it.

On Mondays at 5 pm my roommate and I record ourselves to reflect on our progress every single week, which we’ve turned into a series. (Coming July 2024!)

It was only meant to be our video diary, but I love sharing progress rather than just the end result and making this a non-negotiable for both of us has allowed us to shift quickly, tackle more than we have in years, and truly step into our next level.

My body, business and best self are completely turned on by this version of my nourishment.

My body feels more at ease, and although I’m still early in this journey of honoring my energy through nourishment, it’s been a pleasurable challenge.

Since starting these practices, I’ve noticed I get things done faster and can disconnect from work more easily. The shame and guilt of not working have slowly faded, saving me so much energy that used to leak away because of those old mindsets.

I’m showing up more powerfully, have greater capacity, and my health has improved.

I sleep better, feel fantastic in my body, and have a constant feeling of hope and joy, which is incredible.

After all, I can't truly be a Satisfied CEO if I don’t have the standards that feed me fully – and neither can you.

I know nourishment is going to become second nature and non-negotiable as I move through the next stage of my life.

I've come to realize that expanding and sustaining my business and life without these foundations is impossible. The more enjoyable the practices, the better.

You might be wondering how to create a sustainable business or achieve your Turn On Vision—well, these elements are crucial otherwise… everything crumbles when a little weight is added.

You say you want more, but are you ready to hold it? Do you have the capacity?

I didn’t at first, but now, the more nourishment and non-negotiables I incorporate into my life, the more I’m able to have and hold everything I desire – and I know the same is true for you.

As we continue on this journey, let's redefine success on our own terms, making nourishment a top priority in our lives.

Together, we can rise, fully nourished and unstoppable.

I’d love to hear how you’re incorporating your own nourishment practices into your daily life. This platform thrives on you sharing models, systems, and examples so others can learn and we can co-create together.

Share your stories, thoughts, and questions on Instagram and tag me @WildlySatisfied and @WildlyIntuitive.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips in my upcoming columns.

Let’s keep the conversation going and support each other in creating a life that’s wildly satisfying, successful, and nourishing.

With love and nourishment,

Taylor Davis

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Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent.

She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

Taylor Davis

Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent. She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

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