Wildly Satisfied The Turned On Feminine Entrepreneur

The Turned On Feminine Entrepreneur

May 26, 202416 min read

Acknowledgement: Fair warning, if this offends you then you probably need it most. If you find yourself agreeing, it’s because you’ve been there. If you’re cheering it on, congratulations on choosing a new way.

“I don’t know how I can keep going like this.” 

She sat there on the plush white velvet couch, palms of her hands digging into her forehead, tears threatening to leak from the corners of her eyes. 

The words fell from her lips, her voice cracking with the exhaustion she’d held for too long – 

I love what I do but I can’t keep this up.
It’s not sustainable. I don’t know what to do.
I built this business and I don’t even have time for me.
Is this even worth it anymore?

It wasn’t even a thought. My body just moved.

I sat beside this stunning, heart-centered woman – who I was honored to call my friend even for the short time we’d known each other – the tears poured from her eyes as I held her tightly, doing my best to allow her space to process and feel she’s not alone.

Inside my heart was breaking.

I saw this too many times after years as an Intuitive Business Strategist, working in marketing, diving into the coaching industry, and navigating the sometimes rough atmosphere of the online entrepreneurship world. 

(Both beautiful and tumultuous like the ocean, this ever changing online entrepreneurship world can drown you if you’re not careful, but I prefer to ride the wave.)

I watched far too many women entrepreneurs fall into the never ending cycle of strategies that always seemed to feel off or leave them exhausted.

I watched as brilliant, beautiful women adhered to the ways of successful millionaire men – while lovely and very much trying to help for the most part – who aren’t always cognizant of how their way is not the only way nor is it the most sustainable for their feminine counterparts. 

It broke my heart each time I saw women like my friend forget they aren’t supposed to operate in “doing mode” all the time yet make themselves wrong when they can’t keep up.

Or when they didn’t know how they could quantify their feminine energy, which often got them clients without even trying, and were told by “experts” they needed to focus more on numbers, while ignoring their intuition.

Ignoring what makes the feminine powerful – the deep connective energy that built and held beautiful communities together, the ability to think multi-faceted (rather than linear) holding multiple offers at once, the cyclical nature of our being with ebbs and flows of energy, the core creative energy that develops all life, the art and joy of being feminine.

Oh there’s so much more we ignore that’s intuitively powerful about us. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that.

A renewed sense of purpose rose inside of me as I sat there holding my friend. 

I was tired of the amazing, talented, beautiful, strong women in my life ignoring what made them innately powerful – becoming burned out, stressed, and unsatisfied in life.

While satisfaction had always been a core life’s mission for me, my work with the feminine began morphing into something new. 

Suddenly, I wanted a new wave of feminine entrepreneurship to emerge where we could have satisfaction and success without sacrifice or struggling – where more cash and influence could be in the hands of women to truly change how the world works.

But we couldn’t do it all alone.

I turned to my friend as her tears ceased, a wave of power rippling through my body.

“Let me help you.”

Far too often we don’t ask for help because much of our culture tells us we need to do it all ourselves, especially as women.

We bear the silent burden and overwhelming weight of effort and we’re told not to talk about it, not to ask for help, to go at it alone.

We wear the term “solopreneur” like a badge of honor we’ll defend to our last breath.

Look how much I can do all by myself.

The girl boss that’s got it all handled.

The bad bitch who needs no one.

The hustle queen who has forgotten what it means to breathe.

We donned the way of the bro-dude (often mistaken as the masculine) for the sake of cash flow and to create more freedom in the form of a business (plus create safety in our lives by working for ourselves) – and without realizing we actually have less time, more stress, and an inner dialogue telling us we’re somehow doing something wrong.

Then burnout settles in…

…the simmering rage to burn it all down...

…and suddenly we’re in deep healing mode (again).

We have to deal with our shadows, spend months re-nourishing ourselves, and for what?

To start the cycle all over.

We’re either burned out or burned up by bitterness we’d rather not admit to ourselves. 

It’s the weight of the world on the shoulders of the women who keep it all together – managing the office and the home, raising the kids, and running the world – in a system and society that both reveeres and fears her very being. 

The power of the feminine is terrifying because it simultaneously defies all logic and makes us bow in reverence.

Our society has tried to control it, understand it, and capitalize on it, yet she can’t be contained. 

But this is not about the neverending expectations on a woman or the quiet rage of generations we’re seeing expressed in the world. We don’t need more outrage or anger – we need to say “no more” and choose what’s next for us.

My own journey in that came from redefining what it means to be a feminine entrepreneur.

We were never taught what a feminine version of success looks like.

The models we know of in business and life were largely formed by media, men and old ideals that don’t work for everyone and we luckily live in a world where we have more choice.

Power is rising as opportunity and innovation have opened the world.

We have new models of satisfaction as we see how other cultures operate – the Italian way where food is like art and the love for living life overshadows the needs for work that breaks us – and what success looks like as we leave behind industrialization – no longer trading hours for dollars or sacrificing our sanity for a paycheck. 

Right now we’re in a transition phase where we don’t know what the next version of the world looks like, but we’re tearing down the systems that no longer work.

It feels tumultuous, yes, but in my perspective, it’s beautiful.

After years of operating in the bro-ey version of hustle and hard work, I get to choose a different way. More and more women are showing up as their intuitive selves, defying standards in business that made sense for so many years.

Where strategy and numbers ruled, now intuition and energy are taking hold.

Want to know what’s more beautiful than that? 

A stunning, successful and satisfying combination of strategy, structure, intuition, energy, and integrity. (Ahem, the masculine and feminine coming together inside each of us.)

We’re entering a phase of life and business where the Divine Feminine has returned, the Divine Masculine is being called up, and together a new way of everything is emerging.

Let’s take it back a step though. 

We don’t have many models as feminine entrepreneurs where we don’t sacrifice the sanctity of our bodies for the sake of cash. We were taught to hustle, but that never felt right in my body, especially where sustainability is concerned.

(Love you Gary V. and Alex Hormozi, but it’s just not for me.)

I started studying feminine energy entrepreneurs and I noticed key themes in their success as well as the work I did with clients. (More on that in my feminine business blueprint.)

I resonated with the desire for more spaciousness, to do things my way, and having pleasure as a core tenent in everything I did. 

So what does my model of feminine success look like?

It’s always developing as I grow, as my priorities shift, as who I am changes, but at the foundation I knew it had to include this:

  • Plenty of time for rest, nourishment, and self-care: I realized early on that pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion was not sustainable. Despite the societal pressure to hustle 24/7, I made a conscious decision to prioritize my well-being. I carved out space in my calendar for activities that nourished my soul—whether it was yoga in the morning, a leisurely walk in nature, or simply curling up with a good book. This commitment to self-care became non-negotiable, a cornerstone of my success as a feminine entrepreneur.

  • Spaciousness on my calendar: In a world that glorifies busyness, I learned the value of creating space in my schedule. I used to pack my days with back-to-back meetings and tasks, believing that productivity equated to constant motion. But I soon realized that true creativity and innovation thrive in moments of stillness. So I began to intentionally leave gaps in my calendar, allowing room for spontaneity, inspiration, and the unexpected. This spaciousness not only fostered a sense of ease and flow in my work but also opened the door to serendipitous opportunities and magical synchronicities.

  • Sustainable practices and pleasurable processes: I embarked on a quest to redefine success on my own terms—a journey guided by the principles of sustainability and pleasure. I questioned the prevailing narrative that equated success with relentless striving and sacrifice. Instead, I sought to infuse every aspect of my business with joy, playfulness, and delight. I explored new ways of working that felt aligned with my values and brought me a sense of fulfillment beyond the bottom line. Whether it was incorporating mindfulness practices into my daily routine, collaborating with like-minded creatives, or designing offerings that resonated with my soul, I prioritized pleasure over profit and discovered that abundance naturally followed.

Because I was done…

  • Sacrificing my health and wellbeing for the inconsistent cash flow: I reached a breaking point where I realized that chasing after external markers of success at the expense of my health and happiness was a fool’s errand.

    No amount of money or recognition could compensate for the toll it took on my well-being. So I made a conscious decision to shift my focus from external validation to internal fulfillment.

    I prioritize self-care and set boundaries around my time and energy, refusing to compromise my health for the sake of financial gain. And in doing so, I discovered a newfound sense of empowerment and liberation—a freedom that can only be found when we reclaim our sovereignty and honor our intrinsic worth.

  • Ignoring my intuition in favor of conventional wisdom: For too long, I silenced the wise, intuitive voice within, bowing instead to the pressures of conventional paths to success. I followed blueprints laid out by others, paths promising fulfillment yet led me further from my own truth.

    I was done with dismissing the powerful guidance system I carried within me—my intuition. I began to lean into this inner knowing, letting it guide my decisions in business and life.

    This shift was not without its challenges; it meant swimming against the current, at times feeling isolated in my convictions. Yet, it was in this space of trust and surrender that I found my true direction, one that aligned with my deepest desires and values.

    Embracing my intuition as my compass, I navigated my journey with a newfound sense of confidence and authenticity.

  • The endless grind for productivity for the sake of far off results: The glorification of busyness and the relentless grind that prioritized productivity over presence led me further away from satisfaction and success.

    The constant push to do more, be more, and achieve more had me chasing my tail in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion. I yearned for a rhythm that allowed me to be fully present—in my work, with my loved ones, and most importantly, with myself.

    Shifting focus from how much I could accomplish to how deeply I could connect and experience each moment marked a profound pivot in my life.

  • The tight grip I had on trying to control every outcome, realizing that this illusion of control was a cage of my own making. I was done with meticulously planning every step, only to find that life had other plans.

    Embracing the flow of life, trusting in the process, and allowing for the unexpected brought a sense of freedom and adventure.

    This surrender did not mean a lack of direction but an openness to be led by life’s currents, finding opportunities and lessons in the unexpected.

  • Overriding my body’s signals — its cries for rest, its need for movement, its yearning for nourishment that nourishes both body and soul. I had pushed through fatigue, skipped meals, and postponed life, all in the name of work and clients.

    I’m a cyclical being, human, and “hard work” is not in my vocabulary anymore.

And I want the same for others – or at least whatever your version of being a Feminine Energy Entrepreneur is, built on pleasure, satisfaction and success, not conditioning, baggage or someone else’s metrics or “must-dos”.

To bridge the gap from where we stand to where we dream to be, the journey requires us to peel back the layers of old paradigms and forge ahead with a new blueprint—one that harmonizes our innate feminine wisdom with the demands of today’s business landscape. 

It’s not merely about adding a touch of softness to the hard edges of traditional business models; it’s about fundamentally transforming how we conceive of and conduct our entrepreneurial endeavors.

A Vision for the Future

Imagine a business world where the metrics of success are recalibrated. Where, instead of lauding overwork and constant availability, we celebrate spaciousness, creativity, and deep connection. In this world, the Turned On Feminine CEO thrives not by mirroring the hustle culture but by crafting an ecosystem that honors her cyclical nature, intuition, and the sheer joy of creation.

She recognizes that her strength lies in her ability to navigate through seasons of intense creation and periods of rest with equal grace. She knows that her business is a living entity, one that breathes and evolves with her. It’s an extension of her essence, a vessel for her vision, and a conduit for her contribution to the world.

Strategies Rooted in Sustainability

For the Turned On Feminine CEO, sustainability is not just an environmental concept but a core principle that underpins every aspect of her business.

She builds her empire on foundations of self-care, ensuring that her well-being is prioritized alongside her professional goals. Her strategies are designed not just for short-term gains but for long-lasting impact, cultivating a legacy that mirrors her deepest values.

Her approach to growth is organic, allowing her business to expand at a pace that feels right to her soul. She eschews the relentless push for more, choosing instead to measure progress by the depth of her connections, the authenticity of her offerings, and the joy she derives from her work.

Deep Connections Over Transactions

In her realm, sales and marketing transcend transactional interactions, becoming avenues for genuine connection and transformation. She understands that her clients are seeking more than just a product or service; they are looking for an experience, a feeling, an alignment with something greater than themselves.

Her marketing resonates with the truth of her being, attracting those who share her values and vision. She sells not by convincing but by being unapologetically herself, drawing in those who are ready to be part of the journey she’s facilitating.

Co-Creation and Collaboration

The Turned On Feminine CEO knows that her strength is amplified through collaboration. She surrounds herself with a tribe of like-minded souls, each contributing their unique gifts to a collective vision. Together, they create something that none could achieve alone, a testament to the power of feminine energy in motion.

She leads with empathy, understanding that her team is her greatest asset. Her leadership style is inclusive, encouraging others to bring their whole selves to their work. 

The version of a Feminine CEO I wanted to see was one where:

She knows who she is and wants what she wants. She’s decisive, inspired and creative, following her intuition – the epitome of the vibrancy of life and freedom, safe in herself and true to the standards she sets for her life. 

She is the embodiment of integrity, acts intuitively and cares deeply about the people around her, redefining how teams, cultures, and companies operate. This heart-centered feminine CEO knows safety and challenge can coexist, pleasure and profit are inextricably linked, and we go farther when we collaborate and cocreate. There is no competition – only the celebration of other women as we deeply connect and support each other, sharing reflections that always inspire and never diminish the shining light.

We call each other UP, never out.

She holds the intoxicating energy of a wild, powerful woman who bows to nothing but her own divine intelligence and moves based on what her body needs, what her soul seeks, and what her mind masters in that order. More than that she sets the standard from which the masculine leads – both inside herself and the relationships she has.

Because of those requirements, there’s genuineness in experiences and relationships, companies create wealth AND serve those who work inside it to have more satisfaction, and we create a better world where all can win.

Some may call me naive – but only the small minded see a world of winners and losers.

The most innovative can develop the reality where we all benefit.

As we stand on the threshold of a new era in entrepreneurship, the path of the Turned On Feminine Energy Entrepreneur offers a beacon of success and satisfaction. 

It’s a call to all women who feel the stirrings of dissatisfaction with the status quo, who know in their bones there’s a more fulfilling way to build and lead businesses.

It’s time to step into our power, to weave our intuition, creativity, and passion into the fabric of our ventures. 

It’s time to redefine success on our terms, to build businesses that nourish us as much as they contribute to the world.

This is the dawn of the Turned On Feminine Entrepreneur. 

And it’s just the beginning. 

Together, let’s reshape the landscape of business, sustainability, and success. 

Because when we do, we don’t just change the game—we change the world by getting more cash into the hands of women looking to make a difference, and develop a new model of success tailored to each of us.

I'll be releasing more columns like this in the future

Maybe not this long, but more on being a feminine energy entrepreneur, how I embody it, and more on intuitive business. 

I’d love to hear what you feel after you read this. 

  • What’s coming up for you?

  • What do you resonate with? 

  • What questions do you have?

Share it on your IG story, tag me @WildlySatisfied and @WildlyIntuitive.

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Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent.

She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

Taylor Davis

Taylor Davis is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Satisfaction Guide who helps feminine energy solopreneurs step into their CEO energy — shifting their experiences inside and outside their business from transformational to transcendent. She supports her clients through intuitive business foundations, crafting visceral visions that pull them forward, and retraining them to operate from a pleasurable (and sustainable) foundation — crafting systems and processes that turn them on and give them their lifestyle back inside Wildly Satisfied.

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